
Eligibility & Selection

宗旨 Purpose

Established by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), the NSRRC Outstanding Paper Award (the Award) aims to advance science in the field of synchrotron radiation in Taiwan, as well as recognizing the high-impact publications resulting from using NSRRC experimental facilities, including the Taiwan Beamlines at SPring-8.

獎勵名額與獎金 Prize

Each year ONE publication is awarded. However, no award will be issued if no submission stands out. The prize consists of TWD 300,000 and a certificate. The prize will be presented at that year’s Users’ Meeting.

徵選類別 Award Categories

應用科學領域 Applied Sciences

materials, nanoscience, photonics, energy, accelerator/beamline technology
甄選年度(Year of the application):2021, 2024, 2027, 2030…

生命科學領域 Life Sciences

life science, biotech, biomedicine, pharmaceutical
甄選年度(Year of the application):2022, 2025, 2028, 2031…

自然科學領域 Natural Sciences

physics, chemistry, environmental science, and earth science
甄選年度(Year of the application):2023, 2026, 2029, 2032…

獎勵對象 Applicant Eligibility

Applications are open to those who are an NSRRC user/staff AND a student/professor/scientist at a university or a research institute from all around the world.

申請條件 Application Requirements

1. 利用本中心所屬光源實驗設施(含SPring-8台灣光束線)所發表之論文。
2. 申請人為該論文之第一作者或通訊作者。
3. 八年內於國際學術期刊公開發表之具高影響力論文,對該領域有重大影響力、原創性與突破性。2024年度受理申請之論文,應為2016年1月1日至2023年12月31日期間發表。
4. 申請人應取得該論文其他共同作者之書面授權書,同意由申請人代表申請與受獎。
5. 申請人每年度僅能提出一篇論文,已獲此獎項之論文不得再次申請。
6. 申請人於十年內獲本獎項至多一次。
1. The submitted publication shall result from using NSRRC. Experimental facilities, including the Taiwan Beamlines at SPring-8.
2. The applicant must be the first author or the corresponding author of the submitted publication.
3. The submitted publication must be of high impact, innovative, and/or groundbreaking and published in an international scientific journal within the past 8 years. Publications submitted for the 2024 Award applications shall be published between 2016/01/01 and 2023/12/31.
4. The applicant shall have all co-authors of the publication sign the Consent Form, and obtain their permission to be the submitting author and the recipient of the Award.
5. Only one submission per applicant per year. A winning publication cannot be submitted again.
6. No applicant can win more than once in a 10-year period.

獎勵對象 Applicant Eligibility

Applications are open to those who are an NSRRC user/staff AND a student/professor/scientist at a university or a research institute from all around the world.

注意事項 Other Information

1. 申請截止日後,申請人不得以任何理由要求更改、更換各項資料。
2. 本中心就當年度開放申請研究領域,籌組評審委員會,進行基本資格審查及書面評比審查。評選重點為審查該篇研究論文被引用數、對該領域之重大影響力、原創性與突破性、以及本中心光源實驗成果於該篇論文所占比重等。
3. 得獎人將於戶年會接受受獎,所有作者亦會受邀參加頒獎典禮,獎狀上會列出所有作者姓名,獎金由研究團隊自行分配。與本中心無涉。如著作有因涉及學術倫理等爭議者,本中心有權取消本著作參選或得獎資格,並追回全部獎金及獎狀。
4. 得獎申請人應於頒獎典禮就獲獎之論文進行演講,並同意本中心得將其獲獎資訊(包含作者姓名、論文主題、摘要及內容等)重製、公開發表及運用於本中心之各項文宣。
1. Applicants shall not request to change their application information after the deadline.
2. NSRRC will organize a Selection Committee that reflects appropriate scientific expertise in that year’s award category, and determines the award recipient. Applications that are eligible and meet all the requirements will be reviewed by the Committee based on the citation numbers, scientific impact, innovation, breakthroughs, and how significant the NSRRC experimental facilities were to the publication submitted for the Award.
3. The award will be presented at that year’s Users’Meeting. All co-authors of the winning publication will be invited to the ceremony and listed on the Award certificate. NSRRC will not determine the credit allocation if an award recipient has an agreement to divide the prize money amongst other co-authors. NSRRC reserves the rights to disqualify an application or withdraw the award if academic ethics and integrity are not upheld.
4. The award recipient shall give a talk at the award ceremony and agree that the information (including author names, title, abstract, and text of the winning publication) can be used by NSRRC for promotion activities and publicities.

Application Submission

Each year’s application period and information will be announced on the NSRRC website. The application shall be submitted ONLINE ONLY. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.